- have questions faqs - Robert Flowers

have questions? faq

(Q) What if a tenant tries to attacks, fight or bring harm to landlord or me
(A) You should dial 911 immediately.

(Q) What if a tenant complains about maintenance issues?
(A) Address maintenance concerns promptly and make necessary repairs as per the lease agreement.

(Q) What if a tenant’s guests park in restricted areas?
(A) Remind the tenant and their guests of parking rules. Consider towing if necessary.

(Q) What if a tenant disputes charges deducted from the security deposit?
(A) Provide an itemized list of deductions and copies of receipts. Follow your local laws regarding security deposit disputes.

(Q) What if a tenant refuses to sign a lease renewal?
(A) If the lease is ending, you can choose not to renew it, provided you follow legal notice requirements.

(Q) What if a tenant breaches the lease by smoking in a non-smoking unit?
(A) Address the violation with the tenant and follow the lease terms regarding smoking policies.

(Q) What if a tenant fails to maintain the property as required by the lease?
(A) Send a written notice detailing the maintenance requirements and give them an opportunity to rectify the issue.

(Q) What if a tenant conducts illegal activities on the property?
(A) Contact law enforcement immediately and consult with an attorney to pursue eviction if needed.

(Q) What if a tenant refuses to pay utilities they are responsible for in the lease?
(A) Follow the lease terms and local laws regarding unpaid utilities. You may need to deduct the amount from the security deposit.

(Q) What if a tenant refuses to allow access for necessary repairs?
(A) Notify the tenant in writing, outlining the necessity of repairs and your right to access the property for maintenance.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease has expired, but they haven’t moved out?
(A) Begin the legal eviction process according to your local laws and regulations.

(Q) What if a tenant threatens neighbors or other tenants?
(A) Prioritize safety and document the threats. Consult law enforcement if necessary and consider eviction.

(Q) What if a tenant moves in additional occupants not mentioned in the lease?
(A) Address the lease violation with the tenant and follow your lease terms regarding occupancy.

(Q) What if a tenant refuses to report pest infestations or bedbugs?
(A) Provide information on pest control and encourage prompt reporting to address the issue.

(Q) What if a tenant damages common areas of the property?
(A) Notify the tenant of their responsibility to respect common areas and repair any damages.

(Q) What if a tenant violates lease terms related to property alterations?
(A) Address the violation with the tenant and follow your lease agreement regarding alterations.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease doesn’t address specific issues like pets or smoking?
(A) Consult with an attorney to clarify lease terms and add necessary provisions.

(Q) What if a tenant abandons personal belongings when moving out?
(A) Follow your local laws regarding abandoned property. Typically, you must provide notice and store the belongings for a specific period.

(Q) What if a tenant claims the property is not habitable?
(A) Investigate the claims promptly and make necessary repairs to ensure the property meets habitability standards.

(Q) What if a tenant consistently violates noise restrictions during quiet hours?
(A) Enforce quiet hours as per the lease agreement and take further action if necessary.

(Q) What if a tenant fails to report a maintenance issue that worsens over time?
(A) Encourage tenants to report issues promptly. Address the situation and communicate the importance of timely reporting.

(Q) What if a tenant leaves without notice and breaks the lease?
(A) Assess the situation, follow your local laws on abandoned property, and pursue unpaid rent and damages.

(Q) What if a tenant’s emotional support animal causes damage or disturbances?
(A) Follow the Fair Housing Act guidelines. Address specific issues with the tenant while accommodating their need for an emotional support animal.

(Q) What if a tenant refuses to pay rent due to maintenance issues?
(A) Address the maintenance concerns promptly and consult local laws. Consider a rent reduction if appropriate.

(Q) What if a tenant refuses to allow entry for scheduled property inspections?
(A) Notify the tenant in advance and follow your lease agreement and local laws regarding entry for inspections.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease is about to expire, and they haven’t indicated whether they want to renew or move out?
(A) Contact the tenant to discuss their intentions. Provide the necessary notice for renewal or termination.

(Q) What if a tenant disputes charges for excessive wear and tear on the property?
(A) Distinguish between wear and tear and actual damage. Provide documentation and communicate with the tenant about any deductions.

(Q) What if a tenant frequently changes locks without notifying the landlord?
(A) Remind the tenant to follow the lease terms regarding locks and keys. Ensure you have access in case of emergencies.

(Q) What if a tenant’s rent check bounces or payment method fails repeatedly?
(A) Notify the tenant of the payment issues and discuss alternative payment methods or arrangements.

(Q) What if a tenant’s guests continuously disrupt the peace in the property?
(A) Remind the tenant of their responsibility for their guests’ behavior and follow your lease terms regarding guest policies.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease ends, but they request an extension due to unforeseen circumstances?
(A) Consider the request and, if agreeable, provide a lease extension agreement in writing.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease allows pets, but they are causing disturbances or damage?
(A) Address the specific issues with the tenant and discuss potential solutions while ensuring the pet’s welfare.

(Q) What if a tenant receives multiple noise complaints from neighbors?
(A) Address the complaints with the tenant and enforce noise restrictions outlined in the lease.

(Q) What if a tenant’s rental application contained false information?
(A) Consult with an attorney to address the situation based on local laws and your lease agreement.

(Q) What if a tenant refuses to sign a move-in/move-out inspection report?
(A) Document the property’s condition and share it with the tenant. Keep a copy of the report for your records.

(Q) What if a tenant violates lease terms related to parking?
(A) Remind the tenant of parking rules and consider towing or other actions as per your lease agreement.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease prohibits certain appliances, but they install them anyway?
(A) Address the lease violation with the tenant and discuss the removal of prohibited appliances.

(Q) What if a tenant consistently leaves trash or waste in common areas?
(A) Notify the tenant of their responsibility to maintain common areas clean and consider additional garbage collection if needed.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease includes a required security system, but they don’t activate it?
(A) Remind the tenant of the lease terms regarding the security system and discuss activation.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease restricts smoking in the property, but they smoke in designated areas?
(A) Discuss the violation with the tenant and enforce the lease terms related to smoking areas.

(Q) What if a tenant disputes charges for repairs that they believe were unnecessary?
(A) Provide detailed invoices and explanations for repairs. Address the tenant’s concerns professionally.

(Q) What if a tenant’s unauthorized roommate moves out, and they want to replace them with another roommate?
(A) Discuss the request with the tenant and update the lease agreement accordingly if agreeable.

(Q) What if a tenant moves in with a pet without prior permission from the landlord?
(A) Address the violation with the tenant and follow your lease agreement regarding pets.

(Q) What if a tenant wants to break the lease due to a job transfer?
(A) Review your lease agreement and consult with an attorney to determine the tenant’s options regarding lease termination.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease allows for modifications but they fail to restore the property to its original condition when moving out?
(A) Address the issue with the tenant and discuss the restoration of the property to its original state.

(Q) What if a tenant fails to maintain proper insurance as required by the lease?
(A) Notify the tenant of the insurance requirement and provide them with information on how to comply.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease includes a clause requiring professional cleaning upon move-out, but they choose to clean it themselves?
(A) Remind the tenant of the lease terms regarding professional cleaning and discuss options.

(Q) What if a tenant consistently fails to dispose of trash properly, leading to pest problems?
(A) Address the issue with the tenant, provide pest control information, and discuss proper trash disposal.

(Q) What if a tenant’s behavior raises concerns about drug-related activities?
(A) Prioritize safety and contact law enforcement if necessary. Consult an attorney regarding eviction.

(Q) What if a tenant breaches lease terms related to alterations but makes improvements to the property?
(A) Address the violation with the tenant and discuss the possibility of keeping approved improvements.

(Q) What if a tenant’s unauthorized subtenant causes problems or damage to the property?
(A) Address the issue with the tenant, consider eviction if necessary, and discuss liability for damages.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease requires them to maintain a certain level of cleanliness but they fail to do so?
(A) Communicate the cleanliness expectations with the tenant and discuss potential solutions.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease restricts the use of a fireplace or wood-burning stove, but they use it anyway?
(A) Address the violation with the tenant and discuss the lease terms related to fireplace use.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease allows for assigned parking spaces, but they park in someone else’s spot?
(A) Remind the tenant of the parking assignment and address the issue with the tenant using the spot.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease includes a clause about quiet enjoyment, but other tenants disrupt their peace?
(A) Address the issue with the disruptive tenants and ensure all tenants can enjoy their property peacefully.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease requires them to maintain the lawn but they neglect it?
(A) Remind the tenant of the lawn maintenance responsibilities and discuss potential solutions.

(Q) What if a tenant’s unauthorized pet causes allergies or health issues for other tenants?
(A) Address the issue with the tenant and discuss potential solutions to mitigate health concerns.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease prohibits the storage of certain items in common areas, but they do so anyway?
(A) Notify the tenant of the lease terms regarding common area storage and discuss compliance.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease specifies a maximum occupancy limit, but they exceed it?
(A) Address the lease violation with the tenant and follow your lease terms regarding occupancy limits.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease restricts commercial activities on the property, but they operate a home-based business?
(A) Discuss the lease violation with the tenant and address their business activities as per the lease agreement.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease includes restrictions on storing hazardous materials, but they do so anyway?
(A) Notify the tenant of the lease terms regarding hazardous materials and discuss compliance.

(Q) What if a tenant’s unauthorized installation of appliances causes electrical or plumbing issues?
(A) Address the issue with the tenant and discuss necessary repairs and modifications.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease prohibits tampering with security systems, but they attempt to disable them?
(A) Address the violation with the tenant and discuss the importance of security system integrity.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease includes a clause about proper disposal of hazardous waste, but they dispose of it improperly?
(A) Notify the tenant of the lease terms regarding hazardous waste and discuss proper disposal methods.

(Q) What if a tenant’s lease restricts the use of space heaters or other portable heating devices, but they use them anyway?
(A) Address the violation with the tenant and discuss the lease term

(Q) Are there any properties for sale now?

(A) Currently no properties are available at this time, However, that could change at any time.

(Q) Do you have any more questions? (A) No

(Q) Do have any more questions? Yes